(日本語) Notes/Dominoの将来を考える
Monday December 10th, 2018未分類,ニュース,Notes/DominoNotes/Domino 日本語,IBM THINK,Engage
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(日本語) ノーツコンソーシアム オープンセミナー 2018(11/22) panagenda MarvelClient / ISW Kudos Boards のご紹介セッションを行います
Friday November 16th, 2018panagenda,ISW,ニュース,Notes/Domino海外ソリューション
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(日本語) ノーツ四国フェスタ 2018 panagenda MarvelClient / ISW Kudos Boards のご紹介セッションを行います
Friday November 16th, 2018panagenda,ISW,ノーツ四国フェスタ,ニュースNotes/Domino,海外ソリューション
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(日本語) [デモムービー] Notes/Domino Day 2018 Autumn IBMチャンピオンセッション - Watson Workspace/Domino OAuth/Node-Red連携デモ
Thursday October 11th, 2018Notes/Domino 日本語,Watson Workspace,Watson Workspace,Node-RedNode.JS,Node-Red,Node.JS,Notes Domino Day 2018 Autumn,Domino V10,Notes/Domino,IBM Champion
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(日本語) 【10月10日開催】IBM Notes/Domino Day 2018 Autumn Tokyo - IBM Championセッションで登壇します
Wednesday October 10th, 2018Notes/Domino 日本語,ニュースNotes/Domino,IBM Champion
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(日本語) 2018/9/6,7 Notes/Domino Solution 2018 弊社セッションのご紹介
Tuesday August 21st, 2018XPages アプリケーション開発,XPages,Notes/Domino 日本語,Notes Domino Solutionsニュース,Notes/Domino
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Domino OAuth2 Provider Beta Release by KTrick
Wednesday July 11th, 2018OAuth,doap,nodejs,websocket,Notes/DominoXPages アプリケーション開発,XPages アプリケーション開発
I would like to introduce our new solution called "Domino OAuth2 Provider (DOAP)".
We developed OAuth2 provider that can run on IBM Domino server.
Our Domino OAuth2 Provider (DOAP) brings true OAuth2 capability to your IBM Domino Servers.
Since we decided to provide DOAP community edition for Non-Commercial Use Only, everyone can download and use it.
Please visit our DOAP website and get the DOAP installer and free license
Once after you download our DOAP, please follow the tutorial about how to install DOAP: https://doap.ktrick.com/portfolio/tutorial/
Please try our "Domino OAuth2 Provider (DOAP)". Any feedback is really appreciated.
For more detail, you might want to check our FAQ page: https://doap.ktrick.com/faq/
Open Source Project "DOAP Sample Chat app with Domino"
To feel the power of OAuth2 capability with IBM Domino, we open-sourced node.js application called "DOAP Sample Chat app with Domino".
Please download/clone the code and check the instruction of how to run app from here: https://doap.ktrick.com/portfolio/domino-nodejs-chat/
This sample chat application is written by Node.js, web-socket and OAuth module to communicate with DOAP.
After the user login to Domino via Domino OAuth2, they can start chatting immediately on the web based node.js page. The chat comments are also synchronized with discussion nsf in the background. To pull/push the comments from/to the document of discussion nsf, we access to URL of Domino Data Service(aka Domino REST service) with Domino OAuth accessToken in the request body so that the token authorize the each requests seamlessly.
Below is the demo movie, please turn on the caption of the movie to understand what's going on.